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Location: Home / Products / Multimedia AG
Education AG
Multimedia AG
Industrial control AG
Vehicle mounted AG
Mobile computer AG
Mouse board AG
Solar photovoltaic AG glass
Architectural engineering decorative glass
Enhancing transparency and reducing reflection on furniture, household appliances, and glass
Terminal equipment AG glass
Terminal equipment AG glass
Intelligent display terminal equipment has brought a lot of convenience to us, now the anti glare glass touch screen is to improve our reading experience and touch, protect our eyes! Anti glare glass, also known as non reflective glass or anti reflection glass, is a single or double glass surface after special treatment the reflectivity decreased from 8% to 1%, so as to improve the visual angle of the screen, reduce the interference of ambient light, improve the brightness and visual angle of the display screen, reduce the reflective screen, make the image clearer, more beautiful color, color saturation, thereby significantly improving the display effect.
Full application of Sansa AG glass in outdoor multimedia and other scenes

Hot line: 400 820 0368
Tel: 0512-50137800
Add: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Pu Road Qiandeng Town, No. 61 Wen
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