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Zero emission of environmental protection
The domestic glass industry's first production wastewater zero emissions from factories
Xiangshi investment nearly must build its own 5000 cubic sewage treatment center,made due contribution to environmental protection.
Production wastewater zero discharge water reuse technology: the main processing technology of waste water
produced in the process of production, meet the reuse standard after treatment.
Using the four kinds of processing technology;1. Physical and chemical treatment technology   2. Complex biochemical treatment technology  3. fiber ball filtration 4. Nitrogen crystal refining technology

Activated carbon filtration system


Air filtration system


Sewage treatment plant


Sewage treatment equipment


Hot line: 400 820 0368
Tel: 0512-50137800
Add: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Pu Road Qiandeng Town, No. 61 Wen
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