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Trust, Excellence and Brilliance
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Corporate culture
Enterprise vision: create a new concept of glass, become the industry's most famous brand.
Enterprise mission: to create safe, fashionable and green glass products with scientific and technological innovation, to maximize customer satisfaction.
Values: sincerity, innovation, responsibility, win win.
Customer view: maximizing customer satisfaction.
Product view: safety, fashion and green.
Talent view: loyalty, integrity and professional progress.
Full and accurate style: earnest, fast, stick to promise.
Detailed criteria: ensure the completion of the task, responsible for the results.
Company training: unity, innovation, excellence; resolutely implement, ensure the results; bear the courage, no excuses; self cultivation, achievement dream.
Hot line: 400 820 0368
Tel: 0512-50137800
Add: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Pu Road Qiandeng Town, No. 61 Wen
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